日本JAIST Hiroyuki Iida教授访问开云开展学术交流
应开云手机在线登陆入口高新波教授邀请,日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学 (JAIST) Hiroyuki Iida教授于2018年6月28日来我校交流访问,并与我校相关师生进行了亲切友好的座谈。并作题为“What one likes, one will do well”的学术报告,报告会在主楼III区430会议室举行。报告会由高新波教授主持,来自开云手机在线登陆入口、计算机学院、通信工程学院、人工智能学院的共计60多名师生参加了报告会。
报告中,Hiroyuki Iida教授首先给我们讲述了人工智能在游戏,博弈领域的发展,并介绍了自己在该领域的相关研究成果。最后Hiroyuki Iida教授提出可以将game refinement theory应用到其他研究方面,例如教育。并鼓励大家继续从事人工智能及游戏相关方面的研究工作。
讲座结束后,Hiroyuki Iida教授还与到场的老师和研究生同学进行了进一步的学术交流,并耐心解答了同学们提出的问题。讲座在同学们的热烈掌声中结束,Hiroyuki Iida教授丰富的学识以及详细生动的讲述使同学们纷纷表示受益匪浅。
Dr. Hiroyuki Iida is a full professor in the School of Information Science at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST).Dr. Hiroyuki Iida has been an enthusiasm researcher in the domains such as computer games and entertainment computing, while acting as important roles of international activities such as conference chair, program chair and journal editor.He has also organized Mind Sports Computer Olympiad as the secretary/treasurer of ICGA (International Computer Games Association) for each year since early 2000. He supervised many master and PhD students until now, while acting as PhD committee member (external assessment) for PhD candidates in western countries. Dr. Hiroyuki Iida is also a GM shogi 7-dan player,and he is the director of Research Center for Entertainment Science 2016-onward and the Chair of Entertainment Technology Area 2016-onward.